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2012 Arizona Republican Presidential Primary Election Results by County

By F&S Politics | Arizona Races | U.S. President


The 2012 Arizona Republican presidential primary election was held on February 28, 2012. View county-level results below.

2012 Arizona Republican Presidential Primary Election Results

Mitt Romney ✓

Percentage: 46.87%       

Votes: 239,167 


Rick Santorum  

Percentage: 27.05%       

Votes: 138,031 


Newt Gingrich   

Percentage: 16.02%       

Votes: 81,748   


Ron Paul              

Percentage: 8.61%         

Votes: 43,952   


Rick Perry            

Percentage: 0.40%         

Votes: 2,023      



Percentage: 1.05%         

Votes: 5,337      


Total votes: 510,258

Results by county


Apache County 


Mitt Romney     

Percentage: 47.99%       

Votes: 1,228      


Rick Santorum  

Percentage: 26.57%       

Votes: 680          


Newt Gingrich   

Percentage: 12.39%       

Votes: 317          


Ron Paul              

Percentage: 10.47%       

Votes: 268          


Rick Perry            

Percentage: 0.59%         

Votes: 15            



Percentage: 1.99%         

Votes: 51            


Total votes: 2,559


Cochise County 


Mitt Romney     

Percentage: 38.66%       

Votes: 4,499      


Rick Santorum  

Percentage: 33.92%       

Votes: 3,947      


Newt Gingrich   

Percentage: 17.89%       

Votes: 2,082      


Ron Paul              

Percentage: 8.06%         

Votes: 938          


Rick Perry            

Percentage: 0.54%         

Votes: 63            



Percentage: 0.92%         

Votes: 107          


Total votes: 11,636


Coconino County            


Mitt Romney     

Percentage: 40.23%       

Votes: 3,083      


Rick Santorum  

Percentage: 31.42%       

Votes: 2,408      


Newt Gingrich   

Percentage: 14.94%       

Votes: 1,145      


Ron Paul              

Percentage: 11.64%       

Votes: 892          


Rick Perry            

Percentage: 0.67%         

Votes: 51            



Percentage: 1.11%         

Votes: 85            


Total votes: 7,664


Gila County       


Mitt Romney     

Percentage: 40.31%       

Votes: 2,328      


Rick Santorum  

Percentage: 30.94%       

Votes: 1,787      


Newt Gingrich   

Percentage: 19.29%       

Votes: 1,114      


Ron Paul              

Percentage: 8.10%         

Votes: 468          


Rick Perry            

Percentage: 0.40%         

Votes: 23            



Percentage: 0.95%         

Votes: 55            


Total votes: 5,775


Graham County 


Mitt Romney     

Percentage: 67.53%       

Votes: 2,238      


Rick Santorum  

Percentage: 19.46%       

Votes: 645          


Newt Gingrich   

Percentage: 6.34%         

Votes: 210          


Ron Paul              

Percentage: 5.58%         

Votes: 185          


Rick Perry            

Percentage: 0.30%         

Votes: 10            



Percentage: 0.78%         

Votes: 26            


Total votes: 3,314


Greenlee County            


Mitt Romney     

Percentage: 45.67%       

Votes: 190          


Rick Santorum  

Percentage: 31.73%       

Votes: 132          


Newt Gingrich   

Percentage: 11.54%       

Votes: 48            


Ron Paul              

Percentage: 9.38%         

Votes: 39            


Rick Perry            

Percentage: 0.48%         

Votes: 2 



Percentage: 1.20%         

Votes: 5 


Total votes: 416


La Paz County


Mitt Romney

Percentage: 37.16%       

Votes: 482          


Rick Santorum  

Percentage: 28.06%       

Votes: 364          


Newt Gingrich   

Percentage: 24.44%       

Votes: 317          


Ron Paul              

Percentage: 8.94%         

Votes: 116          


Rick Perry            

Percentage: 0.77%         

Votes: 10            



Percentage: 0.62%         

Votes: 8 


Total votes: 1,297


Maricopa County            


Mitt Romney     

Percentage: 49.29%       

Votes: 153,528 


Rick Santorum  

Percentage: 24.92%       

Votes: 77,625   


Newt Gingrich   

Percentage: 15.51%       

Votes: 48,309   


Ron Paul              

Percentage: 8.83%         

Votes: 27,518   


Rick Perry            

Percentage: 0.37%         

Votes: 1,155      



Percentage: 1.08%         

Votes: 3,374      


Total votes: 311,509


Mohave County               


Mitt Romney     

Percentage: 38.62%       

Votes: 6,380      


Rick Santorum  

Percentage: 30.97%       

Votes: 5,116      


Newt Gingrich   

Percentage: 20.48%       

Votes: 3,383      


Ron Paul              

Percentage: 8.87%         

Votes: 1,466      


Rick Perry            

Percentage: 0.38%         

Votes: 63            



Percentage: 0.68%         

Votes: 113          


Total votes: 16,521


Navajo County 


Mitt Romney     

Percentage: 56.59%       

Votes: 4,672      


Rick Santorum  

Percentage: 24.75%       

Votes: 2,043      


Newt Gingrich   

Percentage: 10.14%       

Votes: 837          


Ron Paul              

Percentage: 7.38%         

Votes: 609          


Rick Perry            

Percentage: 0.34%         

Votes: 28            



Percentage: 0.81%         

Votes: 67            


Total votes:  8,256


Pima County     


Mitt Romney     

Percentage: 43.90%       

Votes: 33,798   


Rick Santorum  

Percentage: 30.89%       

Votes: 23,780   


Newt Gingrich   

Percentage: 15.73%       

Votes: 12,109   


Ron Paul              

Percentage: 7.91%         

Votes: 6,088      


Rick Perry            

Percentage: 0.42%         

Votes: 322          



Percentage: 1.15%         

Votes: 885          


Total votes: 76,982


Pinal County     


Mitt Romney     

Percentage: 46.13%       

Votes: 10,421   


Rick Santorum  

Percentage: 27.08%       

Votes: 6,119      


Newt Gingrich   

Percentage: 17.21%       

Votes: 3,887      


Ron Paul              

Percentage: 8.49%         

Votes: 1,917      


Rick Perry            

Percentage: 0.39%         

Votes: 88            



Percentage: 0.71%         

Votes: 160          


Total votes: 22,592


Santa Cruz County          


Mitt Romney

Percentage: 39.13%       

Votes: 578          


Rick Santorum  

Percentage: 30.81%       

Votes: 455          


Newt Gingrich   

Percentage: 19.36%       

Votes: 286          


Ron Paul              

Percentage: 8.53%         

Votes: 126          


Rick Perry            

Percentage: 0.88%         

Votes: 13            



Percentage: 1.29%         

Votes: 19            


Total votes: 1,477


Yavapai County 


Mitt Romney     

Percentage: 40.02%       

Votes: 12,278   


Rick Santorum  

Percentage: 31.09%       

Votes: 9,537      


Newt Gingrich   

Percentage: 19.14%       

Votes: 5,871      


Ron Paul              

Percentage: 8.43%         

Votes: 2,587      


Rick Perry            

Percentage: 0.42%         

Votes: 130          



Percentage: 0.90%         

Votes: 277          


Total votes: 30,680


Yuma County    


Mitt Romney     

Percentage: 36.16%       

Votes: 3,464      


Rick Santorum  

Percentage: 35.42%       

Votes: 3,393      


Newt Gingrich   

Percentage: 19.13%       

Votes: 1,833      


Ron Paul              

Percentage: 7.67%         

Votes: 735          


Rick Perry            

Percentage: 0.52%         

Votes: 50            



Percentage: 1.10%         

Votes: 105          


Total votes: 9,580


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