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2024 Florida 8th Congressional District Republican Primary Election Results

By FS Politics | 2024 U.S. House Primaries


The 2024 Florida 8th Congressional District Republican Primary election was held on August 20, 2024. Mike Haridopolos won the Republican nomination. Please view the results below.

2024 Florida 8th Congressional District Republican Primary Election


Mike Haridopolos ✓     

Percentage: 72.12%       

Votes: 61,710    


John Hearton   

Percentage: 21.74%       

Votes: 18,604    


Joe Babits         

Percentage: 6.14%         

Votes: 5,250       


Total votes: 85,564


Results by county


Brevard County             


Mike Haridopolos          

Percentage: 73.81%       

Votes: 44,810    


John Hearton   

Percentage: 20.58%       

Votes: 12,495    


Joe Babits         

Percentage: 5.61%         

Votes: 3,409       


Total votes: 60,714


Indian River County    


Mike Haridopolos          

Percentage: 68.04%       

Votes: 16,754    


John Hearton   

Percentage: 24.57%       

Votes: 6,049       


Joe Babits         

Percentage: 7.40%         

Votes: 1,821       


Total votes: 24,624


Orange County


Mike Haridopolos          

Percentage: 64.60%       

Votes: 146          


John Hearton   

Percentage: 26.55%       

Votes: 60             


Joe Babits         

Percentage: 8.85%         

Votes: 20             


Total votes: 226


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