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Connecticut U.S. Senators

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View a list of Connecticut U.S. senators since 1789


Senator Oliver Ellsworth 

Party: Pro-Administration, Federalist      

Term: 1789 - 1796          

Congress: 1st-4th


Senator William S. Johnson          

Party: Pro-Administration            

Term: 1789 - 1791          

Congress: 1st-2nd


Senator Roger Sherman 

Party: Pro-Administration            

Term: 1791 - 1793          

Congress: 2nd-3rd


Senator Stephen M. Mitchell       

Party: Pro-Administration            

Term: 1793 - 1795          

Congress: 3rd


Senator Jonathan Trumbull Jr.     

Party: Federalist               

Term: 1795 - 1796          

Congress: 4th


Senator James Hillhouse               

Party: Federalist               

Term: 1796 - 1810          

Congress: 4th-11th


Senator Uriah Tracy         

Party: Federalist               

Term: 1796 - 1807          

Congress: 4th-10th


Senator Chauncey Goodrich        

Party: Federalist               

Term: 1807 - 1813          

Congress: 10th-13th


Senator Samuel W. Dana 

Party:  Federalist              

Term: 1810 - 1821          

Congress: 11th - 16th


Senator David Daggett   

Party: Federalist               

Term: 1813 - 1819          

Congress: 13th-15th


Senator James Lanman  

Party: Democratic-Republican    

Term: 1819 - 1825          

Congress: 16th-18th


Senator Elijah Boardman              

Party: Democratic-Republican    

Term: 1821 - 1823          

Congress: 17th-18th


Senator Henry W. Edwards           

Party: Jacksonian             

Term: 1823 - 1827          

Congress: 18th-19th


Senator Calvin Willey      

Party: National Republican          

Term: 1825 - 1831          

Congress: 19th-21st


Senator Samuel A. Foot  

Party: National Republican          

Term: 1827 - 1833          

Congress: 20th-22nd


Senator Gideon Tomlinson           

Party: National Republican          

Term: 1831 - 1837          

Congress: 22nd-24th


Senator Nathan Smith    

Party: National Republican          

Term: 1833 - 1835          

Congress: 23rd-24th


Senator John M. Niles    

Party: Jacksonian             

Term: 1835 - 1839          

Congress: 24th-25th


Senator Perry Smith        

Party: Democratic           

Term: 1837 - 1843          

Congress: 25th-27th


Senator Thaddeus Betts  

Party: Whig        

Term: 1839 - 1840          

Congress: 26th


Senator Jabez W. Huntington      

Party: Whig        

Term: 1840 - 1847          

Congress: 26th-30th


Senator John M. Niles 

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1843 - 1849          

Congress: 28th-30th


Senator Roger S. Baldwin              

Party: Whig        

Term: 1847 - 1851          

Congress: 30th-31st


Senator Truman Smith 

Party: Whig        

Term: 1849 - 1854          

Congress: 31st-33rd


Senator Issac Toucey       

Party: Democratic           

Term: 1852 - 1857          

Congress: 32nd-34th


Senator Francis Gillette  

Party: Free Soil  

Term: 1854 - 1855          

Congress: 33rd


Senator Lafayette S. Foster           

Party: Republican            

Term: 1855 - 1867          

Congress: 34th-39th


Senator James Dixon      

Party: Republican            

Term: 1857 - 1869          

Congress: 35th-40th


Senator Orris S. Ferry     

Party: Liberal Republican, Republican      

Term: 1867 - 1875          

Congress: 40th-44th


Senator William A. Buckingham  

Party: Republican            

Term: 1869 - 1875          

Congress: 41st-43rd


Senator William W. Eaton             

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1875 - 1881          

Congress: 43rd-46th


Senator James E. English               

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1875 - 1876          

Congress: 44th


Senator William H. Barnum          

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1876 - 1879          

Congress: 44th-45th


Senator Orville H. Platt  

Party: Republican            

Term: 1879 - 1905          

Congress: 46th-59th


Senator Joseph R. Hawley             

Party: Republican            

Term: 1881 - 1905          

Congress: 47th-58th


Senator Morgan G. Bulkely           

Party: Republican            

Term: 1905 - 1911          

Congress: 59th-61st


Senator Frank B. Brandegee        

Party: Republican            

Term: 1905 - 1924          

Congress: 59th - 68th


Senator George P. McLean           

Party: Republican            

Term: 1911 - 1929          

Congress: 62nd-70th


Senator Hiram Bingham  

Party: Republican            

Term: 1925 - 1933          

Congress: 68th-72nd


Senator Frederic C. Walcott         

Party: Republican            

Term: 1929 - 1935          

Congress: 71st-73rd


Senator Augustine Lonergan        

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1933 - 1939          

Congress: 73rd-75th


Senator Francis T. Maloney          

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1935 - 1945          

Congress: 74th-79th


Senator John A. Danaher              

Party: Republican            

Term: 1939 - 1945          

Congress: 76th-78th


Senator Thomas C. Hart  

Party: Republican            

Term: 1945 - 1946          

Congress: 79th


Senator Brien McMahon               

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1945 - 1952          

Congress: 79th-84th


Senator Raymond E. Baldwin      

Party: Republican            

Term: 1946 - 1949          

Congress: 80th-81st


Senator William Benton  

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1949 - 1953          

Congress: 81st-82nd


Senator William A. Purtell            

Party: Republican            

Term: 1952 - 1952          

Congress: 82nd


Senator Prescott S. Bush               

Party: Republican            

Term: 1952 - 1963          

Congress: 82nd-87th


Senator William A. Purtell            

Party: Republican            

Term: 1953 - 1959          

Congress: 83rd-85th


Senator Thomas J. Dodd 

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1959 - 1971          

Congress: 86th-91st


Senator Abraham A. Ribicoff        

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1963 - 1981          

Congress: 88th-96th


Senator Lowell P. Weicker Jr.        

Party: Republican            

Term: 1971 - 1989          

Congress: 92nd-100th


Senator Christopher J. Dodd        

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1981 - 2011          

Congress: 97th-111th


Senator Joseph I. Lieberman       

Party: Democratic, Independent 

Term: 1989 - 2013          

Congress: 101st-112th


Senator Richard Blumenthal        

Party: Democratic            

Term: 2011 - Present      

Congress: 112th


Senator Christopher Murphy       

Party: Democratic           

Term: 2013 - Present      

Congress: 113th                                                           


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